Room with a view

No extra charge for the penthouse room and today no chance of being disturbed by a helicopter landing directly above on the landing pad.

Whatever it was that had hit the UK and particularly northern Ireland and Northern Ireland had reached us. Quite a lot of damage with uprooted trees in most of Bavaria.

My mobile phone couldn't pick up the detail but in the distance, the Alps were clearly to be seen. The Blip was taken in one of the slots where the rain and wind had subdued.

I wasn't actually paying too much attention. The 7:10am Professor's rounds with accompanying entourage was more important. Yesterday he had been somewhat on his "God in White Coat" arrogant mode.  I have known him since 2005 when he was not yet a Prof and had just taken over the department, so I feel qualified to say this. His bedside manner has seldom been good but he does have a good reputation for his medical skills. And at the end of the day that's what counts.

Today he was a little bit better and even nodded approvingly at the young doctors work yesterday as she explained what she had done. He quickly moved on without saying what was to happen next but I am used to that and could work out it would be a forced 24 "observation" stay before I could go home.

So I was then very surprised when the young doc reappeared an hour later and asked if I would be willing to go home and smiled at my remark "You need the bed then". I was overjoyed and gladly gave another blood sample which would in due course confirm my fitness to leave.

Wound was freshly dressed and I packed my bags hoping the discharge papers would be written in record time. They weren't and I thus was able to partake in the wonderful 1/16th of a roast chicken and chips lunch. Why a hospital serves chips is beyond me - they don't stand a chance. But then we aren't here for a gourmet experience.

Finally three envelopes in my hand and I shot off home. Had driven myself in so had the car. Saw some of the storm damage on the drive home  but strangely most in Memmingen itself.

At home didn't venture out but thought I should contact specialist and GP to organise antibiotic tablets i will need from tomorrow. Then found out both are closed until Monday. Angie kindly phoned our chemists in Ottobeuren who gave us the name of a GP there and she went off with my discharge papers and got the prescription and then the pills.

Only when she returned did I realise I had no idea what I was to do with the wound. The stitches have to stay in for 10 days but how to deal with the dressing until then knowing that washing and water was a no go. Luckily we have our Mr&MrsFixit (aka "B") close at hand and have been given instructions. So will need to seek another GP tomorrow - the one Angie went to was not over inspiring but at least did the prescription bit.  Luckily here we aren't tied to a GP and can visit as many as we want.

Happy to be back home even if the dogs didn't raise their heads from the sitting room sofas where they were taking an afternoon nap.The remark that they had enjoyed the last 48 hours was ignored.

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