an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Molly Time

Well the sleep star charts didn't bloomin' work then, we were up not long after five again. So another tired day was never going to be full of fun so we lazed around the house for most of it, generally all taking part in a moaning competition that I was for once back in third place, just behind Boy, while Girl was running away with it.

We did try and go out at lunch but girl said she wanted to have a sleep instead, so Boy and I popped to the local shop for eggs. Five minutes later when we returned Girl was coming down the stairs claiming she had had her sleep. We doubted her somehow.

After lunch and more tired moans we were still planless and both Boy and particularly Girl were reluctant to do anything. I tried to get them to watch the original Pink Panther film for a bit in the hope that a movie starring someone born locally would entice them into demoaning but it was not quite as good as I remembered and I think the little ones would agree.

Wife then came up with a great idea to get them up and out. Molly, Girl's bike! Molly has been in the shed all summer as we have really failed on the cycling front this year. On a few occasions Girl has wanted to go out on her bike and either, plans, weather or other stuff in the shed has put a stop to it.

So the shed was cleared and Molly was set free. Boy took to Girl's scooter and we headed for a late afternoon visit to the coffee van. Girl biked all the way there and back most happily and Boy scooted most of the way there, stopping for the odd push to recharge his batteries and even managed a bit of scooting on the way home. Down at the van we bumped into some friend folk for natters and Girl and Molly took to the beach for a photo.

Then it was back home for more moans and no star stickers to be charted. Fingers crossed tomorrow will be a star day.

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