
By Leiflife

My World

My world is deliciously new and challenging. Each day I go out in the yard, which is large and cold and scary, but mostly exciting. I conquer cold by running very, very fast. I conquer sticks by pulling them out of the ground, or by chewing them to bits. They are better than toys for my sharp little teeth. Mama pokes sticks in the ground where I poop and won't let me play with her sticks. She does very strange things, but I love her very much. When I get tired and cold, she always knows. She scoops me up and tucks me into the warmest, softest place under her sweater. I don't have a sweater. Mama made me one out of an old fuzzy sock, but she could tell I didn't like it and took it off. 

There is one thing in the yard that I cannot conquer. That thing is also sometimes in the house. That thing is a cat named Pearl. Pearl sometimes seems to like me, but Pearl has the strongest, sharpest paws. So now I am careful. Mama says I am learning to curb my enthusiasm. Just around Pearl. I sure am glad Mama likes my enthusiasm. She likes it very, very much. 

Extras of Lumen's adventures in the yard... I wonder if I will ever conquer the overexposure of white fur, white feathers, etc.

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