Two Together

.... three actually, one more out of shot!

Crocus punctatus made an appearance on New Years Day as the first flower opened for the first time.  Almost a week later there are three flowers, from three corms, all fully open ...... when brought into the warm alt least.  I took the opportunity to cross pollinate the three flowers.  Pollen has to stick to the tip of the orange style branches where the stigmatic surface is found.  The pollen has to 'grow' down the floral tube for fertilisation to take place, the ovary being below ground at the time of flowering.  This can take 24 hours so to ensure fertilisation I am keeping them indoors in a cooler room overnight.  

A sunny Sunday.  After lunch I had an hour to myself planting seeds from the AGS seed distribution.  A mixture of bulbous plants, herbaceous plants, alpines and shrubs.  Hopefully these will yield a few new flowers to entertain you here as well as brightening our garden.  

Later I rustled up another batch of mince pies - after livening up the ordinary mincemeat with a little Rum and Brandy.  Jacinta cooked 'proper custard' which involved finding a use for some left-over egg whites so Jamie whisked up some Royal Icing for an as yet un-iced cake.  The custard is to-die-for delicious and was the prefect accompaniment for a hot mince pie :-)   Gonna have to start the new exercise routine soon!

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