The Triumph of....PINK #7

1 Week of PINK.....for BCA....I've really enjoyed it....I wasn't sure that I would so much as....I do like Pink but not my favorite color,,,now Green is another story. I may even continue.

I took this rather early in the day so when I took Rumi to the beach this afternoon I decided (for a change ) not to take my camera ......I have taken so many beach shots.

How lucky was I .....WHALES..... were jumping out of the water...... Mothers with their babies waving their pectoral fins and showing off their beautiful close to the shore .......even me with my myopic sight could see them so clear.

There were a few of us just standing on the shore with our mouths open.....I was so glad that I didn't have my camera.......some things are just meant to be experienced.

What a treat...I am truly blessed.

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