
The plasterer arrives - Eddie. Good friendly guy, likes fishing and a Hearts season ticket holder so I schmooze with him, in some bizarre unspoken hope that he’ll give me a superior skim finish. What do you think about Jamie Walker away, he asks? Effin eff! I didn’t realise we’d sold him, but being quick enough witted I attempt to discuss Walker’s strengths without revealing my ignorance about his destination or price. But.. maybe Eddie is someone who has doubts about Walker - he’s a mercurial player, after all - on his day he can demolish other sides. On an off day he’s posted missing. That’s the problem with man chat, you need to have an opinion. And keep up.
Later, up town to meet Mr Scott in his braces. An old hand, we get up to speed again. He’s a wise owl - or gives that impression at least.
And finally the Phil Soc meeting - eight attendees! Top agenda item (apart from Jamie Walker) was the events of ’68 - Martin Luther King, Nixon, Prague, Paris…. but then we quickly moved on to albums from ’68. Oooo Astral Weeks, The White Album.. I could go on. We did. The next ten years are already shaping up to be just made for reminiscing. 

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