Drying Out

Another early start. I’ll be getting burnt oot! Angus back to tack on the skirting and clear the place up, closely followed by the electrician who makes more stoor. So after that, we set to, cleaning the place.
Not the easiest of days to throw myself into physical activity, I should add. I do think I have a slight snivvely cold. And worse - I’ve decided to embark on that 5:2 diet thing and this is my first day. Rog swears by it, and he’s some medical biochemist wonk. As well as being a bit too slim. That’s not going to happen - well I’ve a bit of a large ribcage, ain’t I?
Later, out to see Hostiles at the Filmhouse. And the SK decided to leave her comfort zone and chum me (one review had it down as very violent). And she was glad she did. I just loved it - a tremendous looking film. A pure delight - the line of horses passing through huge landscapes is just so iconic and this was so well done, I could have squealed. And Christian Bale was wonderful, a spare but deep portrayal of a man. I was him. I wonder if you can get classic Westerns for the PS4? First person, please.

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