
By Bom

New tickets

This photo was taken in the foyer at the Auden Theatre in Holt where I popped in today to get tickets for the new season, particularly for a series of talks by famous people which is part of the celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the theatre's opening at Gresham's school.

Before xmas I came across my mum's Boots 'Home Diary and Family Note Book' from 1957 where she recorded among other things her children's dates and times of birth and weight, plus inoculations and childhood illnesses. There is one section that I thought I'd quote from to give you a laugh and show how times have changed.  If you'd like me to carry on telling you one tip a blip please let me know!

'Be a Pretty Housewife

Housework spoiling your looks? Then learn how it can improve them instead.  Your hours are your own, and there are plenty of things a busy housewife can do for herself without neglecting home or family.  Here we give you twenty suggestions.

1. When you wash out the bath, put feet apart, bend knees, pull in your stomach and keeping your feet stationary make the upper part of your body swing and stretch from side to side as you clean.  This is a most valuable exercise for the waistline.'

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