Seeing is Believing

It’s amazing what one can meet on an ordinary ramble around the precincts of the Meadows. The questions ‘who, why and what’ trembled on my lips as His Lordship and I passed this blow up dinosaur. His human escort was not forthcoming on why a dinosaur shoed in New Balance trainers should be free to wander the paths unrestrained. At least it will be a vegetarian and not likely to have any of the small children on the loose, as a lunchtime snack.

I issued a formal invitation (as preferred by HL) to David and Luca to pop in to see us this afternoon, help us eat up some Christmas Cake and keep us up to date with the life of thirty somethings in the world beyond our front door.

The frozen pigs in blankets which were intended for them to take away will have stay in perma frost until another time because they were making a further visit to daughter#2 before they went home, meaning that the package could not be kept frozen. David having once attended lectures on food hygiene is a stickler for shelf dates and thawing frozen food; and to think I have remained unscathed for so many decades without being party to all that scary food science.

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