Tiny Tuesday - Mineral

Shopping first thing - then on to Mrs madwill’s studio to finish assembling a storage unit that I had to leave last week because of a shortage of parts! The replacements arrived yesterday - job done.

Home and a quick coffee before venturing out in the sunshine for a walk with Finlay…we were both well togged up against the weather - Finlay sporting his jacket and see in loads of layers! Just as well as it was chucking down sleet when we arrived home.

I took a route that enabled me to photograph this crystalline mineral that is embedded in the rocks that one of the roads from the village has been cut through. There are some quite big deposits - and I was able to get my camera to within 3cm (closest focusing distance) to get the shot. It is my entry for Tiny Tuesday - Mineral.  Thanks to Thisislife for hosting the challenge

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