Ray of Sunshine

Many of you noticed my medical note to self yesterday and very sweetly sympathised with my back issues. Although I didn’t intend you to comment (as wingibg about one’s ailments is very dull) you were all very kind.

The bizarre thing is there seems to be a complete lack of logic to the good days and bad days. The point of my making a note on here is to a) record what the physio says so I don’t forget and b) record my activity so I can detect triggers. It really isn’t to attract sympathy!

So today, I went to a pilates class ‘to keep things moving’. I was somewhat intrigued to find that the burning sensation in my glute disappeared. It seems that the movement shifted the vertebrae off the nerve. And that’s the crux of it, some things make it worse and some things shift it for the better. And, apart from driving, which is consistently bad, there is no rhyme nor reason I can find. Even sleeping. Sometimes I wake up feeling better and sometimes I don’t. I guess that’s just how it’s going to be: different every day.

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