Winter Fright!

First thing this morning, Toffee was out in the garden on her morning constitutional when, like a bolt of lightning, she shot through her cat flap, charged through the house, and jumped onto the arm of my chair, staring intently with eyes the size of saucers out into the garden. She hasn’t moved that quickly for a long time, something had obviously given her a fright. Maybe she’d got a shock and a chilly bottie sitting down on the icy hailstones that were still lying in the garden from yesterday, or maybe there was an intruder. Whatever the reason, it certainly put the wind up her…

And talking of wind… The winds are already picking up here, we’re in for gale force winds again tonight, up to 60 mph, so fingers crossed we don’t lose another garden fence. Hope to get out on the bus tomorrow, but my destination will depend on what weather tomorrow brings. Don’t fancy walking in the hills in a gale! Hope you all stay warm and cosy on this stormy evening, and, unlike Toffee, I hope you don’t get any Winter frights!

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