Winter Bus Challenge No 132!

"Entertainment in Bath”, Victoria Art Gallery

“In the 1700s, Bath was second only to London for the quality and variety of music, art and theatre on offer. Musicians, artists and actors would come to the city to entertain the wealthy spa visitors who needed diversions when they weren’t busy with treatments.  Here they would develop their skills and attract a following and a good reputation before moving on to further fame and fortune in London.

"Entertainment in Bath" features works from the Victoria Art Gallery’s collection, as well as loans from the National Portrait Gallery and Royal Collection Trust… Highlights include portraits by Gainsborough, Bath’s society painter in the 1700s and works by Georgian comic artist, Thomas Rowlandson…”

Too windy to go walking in the hills above Bath, too big a risk of rain to walk along the Kennet and Avon Canal, so today I took the bus into Bath to see the new exhibition, “Entertainment In Bath”. The bus journey was no challenge, but the aim of my Bus Challenges has always been to see/do/learn something new, and that’s what I did today! After the exhibition, my Bus Challenge friend and I visited The Old Green Tree, one of Bath’s oldest and smallest pubs, but that snippet of history can wait for another day.

Total bus journey time = 40 mins

(What a stormy night! No major damage this time, but so windy that: two windows were sucked open, making all the doors in the house rattle; the recycling boxes were blown all across the garden; washing line blow over; and most bizarrely, half of the needles were blown clean off the Christmas tree that was in the garden awaiting the recycling collection! Hope you survived unscathed too.)

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