Waiting, not knowing

Es i i'r dre i brynu Ewros a strap bagiau cyn i ni fynd i Ffindir.  Pan roeddwn i yn y dre, derbyniais i neges testun i ddweud roedd ein hedfa o Gaerdydd wedi cael ei chanslo.  Roedd e'r coes cyntaf o dri o hedfeydd i Rovaniemi.  Treulion ni'r gweddill y diwrnod heb wybod beth dyn ni'n mynd i wneud.  Roedd rhaid i ni aros... Roedd KLM yn gweithio dros nos i ffeindio hedfeydd arall i bobol ac erbyn y bore hwn roedden ni wedi cael hedfeydd newydd

I went to town to buy Euros and a luggage strap before we go to Finland. When I was in town, I received a text message to say that our Cardiff flight had been canceled. It was the first leg of three flights to Rovaniemi.  We spend the rest of the day not knowing what we were going to do. We had to wait... KLM worked overnight to find other flights for people and by this morning we had had new flights

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