
Well hopefully success. They look good but will they taste like tomatoes should?

My little bush tomatoes don't have the flavour I expected. At best the flavour is ok. Once I try the fruit pictured here I'll have a better idea what the issue might be.

They'll be fine either way. It's part of the fun of growing stuff, learning, discovering, enjoying the process, and of course the results.

The temperature got to the early 30's today. Running wasn't too bad early on but I threatened to melt into a puddle during my pump class later in the morning.

A serious looking steak awaits the bbq, various salads, and several fine looking craft beers are ready for a friend and I to enjoy this evening. Happy days.

Today's gratitude: For where I live. I have a home and section I can manage, services, and either a park or the country virtually on my doorstep. A fantastic blend for me.

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