
First visit to the counselor today - unfortunately, I got lost getting there and was 20 minutes late. I'd taken the final right turn too soon, it was the one about 2 yards on that I hadn't spotted! Did a whole circuit through muddy country lanes and ended up approaching the turn from the other side - talk about going round in circles! No sooner had I sat down and begun providing details of date and birth etc, than I had a panic attack. Great start! Rest of session was ok, although I spent it walking round the room rather than sitting!But at least I was able to calm myself down using the CBT techniques I'd learned from my wonderful little phone app!  
A quick stop at the Co-op on the way back - another near panic attack! Home at last and once I'd got cover for my hen close I had a very quiet evening and an early night. 

Spotted these muddy cows as I was driving home - how rude is that third cow sticking its tongue out at me!
Anxiety 8/10

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