Lost states and fragile identities

A very cold day with icy pavements that militate against walking demands an exhibition. Or at least a cold Sunday does. The first graffiti artist (although he really transcends that description) to be featured at the Taidehalli (or Kunsthalle) fitted the bill. EGS ensures that his initials are featured somewhere in every artwork he produces - whether street art (tagging), prints, paintings or sculpture. It was fascinating stuff. I was particularly taken by the series of paintings on lost states (i.e. states that no longer exist) which are featured in the paintings at the back of the picture. I'd love to have one or other of them on the cover of my next book. One was the Free State of Fiume. It would be very appropriate. The glass forms at the front of the picture are described as 'fragile identities'. You can see some more images on instagram here.

Aside from wandering over to the Taidehalli, there is little more to be said about today. Quite a lot of work of the sorting out and catching up variety, and some more travel planning. We watched a bit more rugby too. And the sun came out right at the end of the day. I thought that was worth an extra, as I really am a bit obsessed with photographing the view from the 10th floor.

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