Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd


I love the sound of the word serendipity - a happy accident, a pleasant, unexpected surprise. I just learned that this happy sounding word originates from Serendip, an old name for Sri Lanka.

This morning began, as always, with my stepping out onto the back deck to breathe in the morning air and pan the wide expanse of fields punctuated with a large, snow-capped mountain. As I stood there, several leaves in beautiful shades of greens, golds, and yellow, came floating down before me, riding the autumn breeze that was picking up speed. I closely watched one leaf as it spun to the ground, landing perfectly on its side right between the planks of my deck.

Serendipity? All I knew was, if ever there was a moment to try out my camera's macro features, this had to be it.

Oh, what I wouldn't do right now for a few more pleasant, and unexpected surprises!

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