Another great day at Bonsai........

The girls and I went out to the nursery today.  They had a blast....  I was able to walk them  twice, over 2 miles in the forest.  You can see  they were off leash, running their crazy little legs off and then rolling over in full stride for a good roll.  Only problem they didn't do it together so I could get them both.  You can tell from the glee on Abby's face that it was awesome!!!!!

   The  bonsai in the photo is a Kotoheme, or a dwarf Acer Maple.    It is one I started 3 years ago, but get left unattended while my knee wouldn't let me walk.  Last January we trimmed it up, repotted it in soil and spread all the tine roots underneath to grow/develope nabari.  During the year, the roots we puled out thicken up, got bark and developed a great spread.  This year we are continuing the growth of the nabber (for the aged look), I have trimmed up what I think will be the primary branches.  From here, all depends on what pops and grows, what position they are in and far the internodes are from each other.  A shallow pot was chosen to keep the tree flat on the bottom and the roots going round and round.  It is going to be a smaller bonsai, but there is a great start here.
     Now comes the growing season.  Who knows what this sweetie will give me for choices.   Can't wait to see.........

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