Blood vessels in the sky

Thought about submitting this for Tiny Tuesday as a shot of a maze of tiny blood vessels coursing through tissue. Didn't think I'd get that one past you.

We'd stopped here to try and see a greater spotted woodpecker that was drumming loudly in the trees. We waited patiently to locate the sound, eventually spotting him (and it must be a him) high up and well out of reach of any hand held lens.

Looking up gave me the idea for today's blip. Many of you will have heard of Robert MacFarlane, author of some remarkable books. Susan follows him on Twitter where he tweets a "Word or Phrase of the Day". A recent one is "Tree Shyness" - the space between the canopies of trees where the trees do not touch each other. He showed some fascinating photos of the shyness and ever since I've been looking for it. No chance here.

We were in Mote Park on our way back from town having taken the plunge and bought the TV etc. It'll be here Thursday.

Thank you for hosting Mindful Life, Thisislife at least it's black.

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