Royal Star Arcade

A third walk into town in 5 days. Susan was meeting Old West Borough Ladies, the OWLs) for coffee and I gatecrashed for a short while to take advantageously the special offer of bacon roll and coffee for £2.80. I then left them to it.

I went to Maplins to find some advice on security alarms and systems and NAS drives, coming out a little wiser only to have my hopes dashed when I read reviews of what promised to be a very good solution.

I was aware today was Wide Wednesday but didn’t know the theme. Fortunately it is Urban and thanks to Steveng for hosting. I think I’m going for full set of challenges this week.

The afternoon was spent outside in bright cold weather cutting fence panels to size. We have a gap which is a few inches short of 6 foot wide, so I have prise off the end battens, nail them 4 inches in and then saw off the excess. As the darkness fell I completed painting the panels ready to put in to tomorrow.

A quick tea before Susan went to her guitar classes and I went to my ukulele jam session in Sittingbourne. A very good evening for us both.

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