A craftsman's tools

One of a possible series - the hand tools Gill's father used over many years are all coming to light as we sort through the garage.  We have no idea yet on what we are going to do with them.  Possibly a tools for Africa type charity as I can imagine he would have wanted them to be used, and for a carpenter in rural africa with intermittent electricity, good quality hand tools ought to do some good.

My next few blips from this day forward have been uploaded out of order due to the travelling about and the sadness around Gill's mum.  All done now and I'll be at home tomorrow (Thursday 1st Feb) afternoon & evening to go through the Wide Wednesday entries which has the optional theme for this week of Urban.  tag widwed310118. 

Don't worry if you have used 300118 which is in some of the links,  I'll look for those too.

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