Sit awhile

Into Skibbereen today for the Irish lesson and the homework shamefully neglected. I was hoping to impress you with a fluent translation of what's written on the enticing red seat - luigh sios agus lig do seith ( I think. I have only recently learnt this but not so long ago children were taught two alphabets, the good old English/Phoenician (?) 
alphabet for writing in English and a gorgeous Celtic one for writing in Irish. The gorgeous Celtic one has a name that I've forgotten and looks beautiful but is very hard to read. I'm starting to wish I hadn't started this). As far as I can work out (and Google is no help) it means something like lie down a while/rest a while/ park your bum! Michael/Zillah - help! Nice advice but it was mizzling at this point.  I thought it was a pub but I think it's a hairdresser's. Good colours though.I might start a mini series on Irish colours for they are pretty zinging.
Not much glimpse of the super moon here, too cloudy tonight.

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