Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


This is a female Arizona Woodpecker. The males have a small red patch on the occiput.  It's the only North American woodpecker that is brown and white and not black and white.  Only 4% of the population lives outside of Mexico, barely crossing over the border into southeast Arizona and southwest New Mexico.

Busy day.  I started in Madera Canyon but had so much to do that I stayed in the wildlife area half as long as the roundtrip there.  So I was a bit lucky to nab this gal.  Then it was back to real life.

I went by the optical place to order new trifocal lenses  to replace the scratched ones followed by picking up prescriptions at two different pharmacies .  Then I was off to Tucson for an appointment, lunch at Panera, and stops at Home Depot and JC Penny before heading out of the city.  On the way home I picked up a few groceries and gassed up the car.   Eventually, I made it to mom's for a visit. I was in bed by 8:30.

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