Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

See you...

Perfect day, from the surprise of the firetruck at school for an earthquake drill, the kids getting to climb on board, to the walk on a little too scorching hot boardwalk with the boys and a Blip meet with a great Blipper who's kindly followed our journey from the earliest days, a strong backbone of solidity and support to my endless ramblings. Thank you so much for these See you Jimmy hats perfect for my 1/4 Scottish boys, the Thomas books and the flags plus my bonus Scottish Parliament tea towel! I'm always rather bowled over by the generosity of folk I've met through here and how they are such positive forces in my life. Erick, Juliana, Karen, Trudi and now Gillipaw. Thanks for being so very kind to us. Here's to you!

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