Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

New World

Sometimes after being consumed with the minutiae of my own day, I feel as though I have no good energy, attention, or focus left to devote to other "less important" activities. I contemplate staying home, skipping out, letting the deadbeat within take charge.

The lesson I've learned, time and time again, is that if you pull yourself together, and just go do it, you will never regret it. Today was my orchestra rehearsal day. It was dark, rainy and windy. I'm preparing to move. There are cardboard boxes stacked right to the ceiling. A six yard dumpster was just delivered, waiting to be filled with the castoffs from this round of housing. And, most importantly, I hadn't spent much time this week, practicing my part!

It would've been easy to skip out, and stay home, but it's been hardwired into me to honor commitments I make to groups, organizations, and particularly, loved ones. This, of course, has backfired on me over the years on several occasions, even quite recently. Nevertheless, I would never stray from this habit.

Once I arrived and began warming up, I was very glad to be there. All thoughts of skipping out quickly dissipated, and I was totally in the moment as we dove into a movement from Dvorak's Fifth Symphony (New World). Music has never failed me. I can count on music to soothe my jangled nerves, wrap its arms around me, and fill my heart and mind with wonderful tunes and harmonies. The instruments I play are like dear friends, particularly my old Knabe who has been with me since I was six years old. When I feel overwhelmed, sitting at the piano is my comfort food, and it doesn't take me very long to feel full.

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