
By 1YearInAddis

Island Breeze Restaurant

Dawit, Abbas, Anj, Brian and I went for lunch today at the Island Breeze Restaurant (I know, from this blog, it seems that all we do is eat out.). The food was very western, and very good. It seemed to have been modeled on a restaurant that you might find on many tropical islands around the world.

We had met with an oncologist who had given me some information for an upcoming cancer presentation. He was very helpful.

After that, we visited a local health centre in the Piazza area. It was modern and well organized. They provide a range of acute and preventive care to local residents, of all ages. Their pediatric, prenatal, and HIV care seemed comprehensive, and well thought out. Obstetric deliveries are being ramped up. If patients' illnesses are beyond their scope of service, there is an ambulance on site intended to deliver patients to Yekatit 12 hospital.

We hope to partner with the health centre and have the family medicine residents do their "longitudinal" family medicine training there. Anj, Brian and I will begin shadowing/observing there in two weeks, after Anj and the kids, and I get back from trekking in Tigray.

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