
It was a very cold day today which started off with a light dusting of snow - this poor little crocus in my garden is trying to come through still! I was planning to do the Women's Walk at Wells beach, but the cold plus the remnants of a bug meant that I stayed indoors instead. 

As I have a problem with Netflix dropping out, I decided to test my broadband speeds which I found had dropped significantly since I moved in, despite BT saying they'd increased them. A long online chat with BT resulted in them 'resetting the line'. I was told to wait 48 hours to re-test but I had a look anyway and they'went 50% higher than they were. but still 25mbs less than promised. I've looked again and they've dropped back to what they were. Doh!

It's 100 years today since some women in the UK got the vote. I find it so disappointing how slow progress has been. Although we've had 2 female prime ministers, they have both been viciously criticized in a very personal way by the 'men in suits' in their own party as well as others. When I started my career I was told I had to be patient as things won't change overnight - when I retired the glass ceiling was still rigidly in place and equality of opportunity was not there. The tips I have been including in blips show that some progress has been made since the late 1950s thankfully, but #MeToo and the BBC gender pay gap campaigns show that equality is still an illusion and that attitudes must finally change.

Be a Pretty Housewife (1957)

Tip No.18  Whether you sit or stand to iron that pile of clothes, keep your posture good. This means stomach muscles pulled well in, back straight, but shoulders relaxed. If you sit down, keep your back straight and stomach muscles in. This not only helps your figure, but saves energy too.

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