Wild ...............

 ........... Wed97  (WW97)

Bears are wild, parts of the US are (very) wild and I'm wild about the US - so that fits well for Cailleach's WildWed Challenge this week (in my humble opinion).

You may notice that the cute little bear has BikerBear on his shirt - how the h*ll could I resist him?????????
I found him on the internet, looking for a good home and he arrived, in the mail, on Tuesday and, thinking of a name for him, it was the TinyTuesday Challenge of "spiky" - so I thought "Spike" would be good in honour of the challenge and then I thought "ooooh, BikerBear and SpikerBear" (yes, my mind works weirdly) ....... 
Now, maybe it's just me but, once I thought all of that, no other name works for him.    Spike it is.

He's perched on a speaker in front of my wall map of the US ..... the map was my late uncles (he was also a huge USA fan) ...... this map is above my computer desk and I look at it each and every day ....... amazing to think that, since 2003, I have been to every single state on that map (a lot of them more than once) also, looking at (the visible provinces of) Canada at the very top, I have Alberta, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick "to do" having been to Quebec, Manitoba, Ontario and British Columbia!

Michigan (Detroit) was my first US state and Alaska was my last.  It was the start of a love affair with this fabulous country.   
Now if only Himself would come with me (or divorce me - just kidding - I think!!!) I could go live there!!!!   :o))

Everything's bigger in ............

Wow, I'm rambling - sorry.

~ Anni ~

In my rambling forgot to mention that I intend to take Spike on some of  my travels and post blips of him in "other" places .......... greatly inspired by Kelso (and also by BlipBear and Kiwi - who seem to have gone MIA).

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