A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


We've travelled into the flatlands as the first phase of a weekend we're trying fit a million things into.  

The day started with the final fixes re the rewiring and the delighted spare bathroom etc., and starting, of a sort, on the decorating.  

Hoping that the traffic would be lighter we've travelled 'after work' across to friends D&D in Saffron Walden (whose clock I've melted) pausing only to eat something from Burger King that tasted of something almost totally unlike chicken & bacon.  We'd tried two other services to find the cafe's either shut or demolished. BK was at least open and standing, though I fail to fathom why.

The A14/M6/M1 junction is a joy to behold.  The A14 is (still) not.

Paused briefly outside our old house.  Looks good.

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