Hoping for a better one

It was another overcast and gloomy day and I was wondering what I might be able to blip today. During my walk with a female Rottweiler from the sanctuary this afternoon I took a few photos at the park but none of them were really very interesting.

Half way through the walk I spotted the movement of a bird on a large tree and I watched it climb higher and higher. It wasn't until I managed to zoom in on it that I could see it was a Nuthatch, one of the birds at the park that I'm still trying to get a good shot of. Unfortunately I couldn't get any good ones this afternoon but I'm so glad to have seen a bird that I usually only hear that I'm blipping the best one of the few photos I was able to get. I'm hoping to see one again another day and get a better shot then.

Both yesterday and today have been so busy that I'm behind replying to the comments on a couple of my blips but I will try to catch up tomorrow as I'll be spending the day at home.

The chilli I cooked yesterday for today's lunch with my brother was very good, if I do say so myself. :)

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