Big yawn

It has been a very busy day filling some more boxes for the move and sorting the plants from our courtyard which we will be taking with us. Today's blip is a shot of my cockatiel Mieke as the only photos I've taken today are of her and my budgie Ozzie. There is a very good chance that my birds and Rosiewill be the subjects of a few more entries until we've settled in after the move.

Against all expectations I've been able to have a lie in this morning and catch up on some sleep. Not enough though and I still feel very tired. There isn't any improvement on my cold yet so work tomorrow is going to be fun! I'm not considering staying home sick though as it's probably not bad enough for that and I don't think it would look too good after only just having started with the job.

Thanks very much for all the comments and stars on yesterday's red leaf blip.

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