Young Cow...1, Cowhands...0

Another day in the AOG, the Alternative Olympic Games. I talked to a couple of horses that were mad because I keep featuring shorebirds in my blips. "Birds are fine...but how about the equine? You love the birds, of course...but how about the horse?" Point taken.

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but the participants in the free style snowboard are young, brash, and very daring. And, in the case today...unruly.

The young bovine won the gold, but refused to come to the podium to accept it. "I know how it's been down in the past, but I just don't feel like doing it that way! I know it might be bad...BUT I FEEL LIKE BEING RAD!"

Well, the old school judges weren't having it. "I know we may be old...BUT YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT THE GOLD!"

One judge started the pursuit without much success, and eventually all 5 judges joined in.

This was funny to watch. It was the last event in the Manatee County Ranch Rodeo, and it was called Loading the Trailer. Your team gets to the designated line, and the announcer calls out a number. You isolate that cow, "steer" it into a gate that leads into the trailer, and then you jump off your horses, and load them in the trailer, too. Then, close the trailer latch. Simple, huh?

Little #8 wasn't having it. Twice, the team had it in position, but the little doggie escaped. Finally, their 3 minute time limit was up, the buzzer sounded, and #8 sauntered away.

Young cow...1, Ranch

26 more pictures on my Flickr page. (I took a LOT of pictures.) Cowboys, cowgirls, wranglers, saddles, and a couple of birds.

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