BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Disappointment .... and a huge lesson learned!!!

Great excitement in the kitchen this morning .... a beautiful little moth sitting on the tiles by the cooker ..... grab the camera and clickety click click click.

Gently put finger near Little Moth and he obediently climbs on - ooooh, more clickety clicks. Angle finger to get best side of Little Moth - you got it - clickety click click click some more (the pink blob in the photos is my index finger).

See his tongue come out - woohoo - click click click into infinity.

All this one-handed with camera hand-held too. (No macro lens either remember)

I'm thinking Hillyblips and Mollyblobs and Vodkaman and my cute Little Moth out there with people saying how handsome he is ...... BUT ....

....... Pride comes before a fall and when I downloaded to the computer - "quel dommage" (always makes me think of Del Boy in Only Fools and Horses - lol) - in my haste to be a show-off I had not checked the camera settings and had the ISO at 6400!!!!! I ask you - how stupid was I? (very stupid I hear you shout!!) - what should have been detailed, clear, smooth shots - all noisy/grainy !!!!

So ..... my lessons for today (it being Sunday and all) are .....

1) When you have finished your last photo experimentation session - reset all your settings to something "normal"

2) When turning your camera on check the settings and don't get carried away in the excitement of a pretty little moth.

3) Don't try to be a show-off!!

Have a Happy Sunday!

PS. Look how long his tongue is and all curled in the top right picture and I'm sure he was "tasting" my skin as in the bottom left picture he is putting it back near to his mouth.

NIKON D90 : f/3.2 : 1/800" : 50mm : ISO 6400

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