A place in time

By Verbosa

Hospital bookshop find

I was once told by a healer that books 'choose' you...or rather that you will spot a book at a certain time in your life when you need it, but hadn't realised you needed it beforehand, almost as if it was drawn towards you.

Today, Mr A and I visited his father in hospital and we stopped off in the second-hand hospital bookshop on the way out.  This was one of the books and the first book to 'call out' to me, so it felt like I had to have it.  Apparently, it's the follow-on from "When I am an old woman I shall wear purple".  I think this will be quite an emotional read.  I even liked the fact that tucked inside the cover was the original receipt, dated 15th July 1995 timed at 6:06pm from Barnes & Noble, Store 2530 Bellevue, WA...priced at $10 (the cover price).

Many years ago when I was going through a particularly stressful time, I found a book by Norman Vincent Peale in the old Thorpes second-hand book shop, which gave me great comfort at the time.  Amazingly, it was not until a good way through the book that I realised he was suggesting anything religious.

Finally, a big shout out to the lovely nursing staff at Frimley Park Hospital who are taking such good care of my father-in-law.

Thought for the day:

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."  (Norman Vincent Peale)

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