is it...

...a crisp or a chip?

In Aus they are chips as they are in the US.
In Britain they are crisps.
And of course there is the TransAtlantic debate as to where the crisp/chip originated.
'Dr William Kitchiner's early 19th century compendium The Cook's Oracle, enjoined readers to “peel large potatoes... cut them in shavings round and round, as you would peel a lemon; dry them well in a clean cloth, and fry them in lard or dripping.” Americans like to tell the tale of how chef George Crum invented potato chips as an angry response to a fussy diner and accidentally created a delicacy, but he wasn't born when Kitchiner's tome was published by the good folk at Robinson and Bent. As far as these things can ever be settled, the British got there first.'

In Aus the chip is usually a humble affair but every so often there are bonkers flavours.
Compared to the Brits where flavours include Firecracker Lobster, Prawn Cocktail, Oyster and Vinegar and Chardonnay Wine Vinegar the humble salt and vinegar is a poor cousin.
However bring on this dynamic duo following hot on the heels of  Roast Lamb and Mint sauce!

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