Emergency blip, polyanthas outside the door on the other side :)

What a day.  Left home at 7.30 and got to work in plenty of time for 8.30, but colleague wasn't there til after 9am and Manager (from Coventry) after 10am....so I was really twiddling thumbs most of the morning!  It will be busy tomorrow because I've got a 1-1 training session on their updated systems in the morning :)

I got home at 6.30, having left the office at 5 and spent 45 minutes, yes 45 minutes queueing in heavy traffic to the motorway junction :( :(  Then I needed petrol so zoomed to the supermarket before coming home....

Thank you so much for all your kind comments yesterday.  I've started the anitbiotics, so hoping things improve quickly now.  I'm still only  eating small amounts and would be grateful for more sleep tonight...I've been awake since 4am.

Now I must eat my hastily prepared Butternut Squash Risotto, then finish my studies for Saturday's course!

Happy Thursday folks ;)

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