Gitama's World

By Gitama


It’s been very very wet today...I can almost hear the trees out the back heaving a sigh of relief for the lovely big drink they have long waited for.
I dodged a bullet today........I had a dentist appointment but Jaiyas car wouldn’t start so I loaned her mine and had to cancel my expensive painful date with the dentist.......phew!

After I got all my jobs done I decided to Do some more work on my p/shop course........I swear that folk doing those tutorials deliberately leave stuff out or do sneaky things that you donkt get to see........I followed it to the letter and still it looked really different and definitely not as easy as they make out....grrrrr.
I thought I was quite well versed in p/shop but in fact I only really get my head around a small percentage of it.......I do love learning new things...I just wish I could remember.

Well the carpet got some respite today....well....... so far so good......and I am sooo loving being relatively comfortably cool rather than melting into the floor boards.

I am continuing on with my heavily filtered theme....this was taken with my camera and good lens but I’ve worked it on my iPad............they reckon practice makes perfect.....I am going to keep going until I really get a handle on isn’t as easy as one might think...there is no recipe....every image needs something different........I am enjoying the challenge of it.

Hello BikerBear.....thank you so much for hosting love.

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