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Tiny winy little things... mating on this leaf this morning, a little too windy for my macro eyed liking, but it had to do. Sorry, flies again, but I will miss them when it gets too cold...!

As for Larry, well... awww, love him:

Sky full of Larry

Tried to work today, but had to garden, planted the rest of the bulbs, hard work, earth like mud cake, almost as thick as clay, the weather has ruined most of the *formal* garden earth. The wildflower meadow,one side was rotovated & this afternoon, dad & I raked it over, planted wildflower seeds, had a nice *treading in* session & then christened it with fizz with my words as I flicked fizz over the butterfly wildflower seeds, including lesser knapweed, oxeye daisy, betony, wild red clover & common poppy... "God Bless her, & all who grow in her" (my Queen Elizabeth impersonation came in handy there!) :) xxx

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