The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

When I feel so broke up

...i wanna go home! (Beach Boys, Sloop John B).
Steve took me to the market at Nailsworth on a cold frosty morning. I was all set up by 9am, but the customers didn't come running. No one even wanted to take their hands out of their pockets, it was so cold. The new designs were popular, in that they sold better than the older ones, but it was the worst Nailsworth market ever for me, by a long chalk.

I did, however, receive an offer of several jigsaws (I sell them for charity) and a request for aromatherapy products. As we were leaving, Steve bumped into a friend and showed him some of his mounted photographic prints. He said he'd come round to our house with his wallet!

After standing around in the cold for four hours, my already-crocked back (a lifting injury) was extra-crocked, so Steve ordered me off for a bath, and then I decided on bed rest. So far, my experience of 2018 has consisted mainly of sitting or lying in bed!

I have now ordered a back brace. What fun. I have also spent time thinking about the possible sound track to our family cine films, a question posed by Tanya/TMLHereandThere yesterday. This has occasioned a great deal of listening ro songs of my yoof. One of the first songs I remember hearing on the radio, and recognizing, was Two Little Boys. But Rolf Harris is tainted, now that we know what he was doing...
Others might include Puff the Magic Dragon for the earliest reel ( our father certainly liked a puff!) and Yellow Submarine, which I thought was a nursery rhyme. Obla-di is another contender, it is so innocent. Songs that capture the innocence of childhood are rarer than I thought.

This beautiful collage of vintage travel posters (I have only included a small section) was delivered today, in jigsaw form. TML sent it as a thank you for my recent go-betweening activities, and the cine film sharing. I am very much looking forward to doing it. I have got the Jigsaw from Hell on my board at the moment, but something about it intrigues me, so I won't back down. I blipped it weeks ago. Progress has been slow, to say the least

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