Mono ..........

 ............ Monday214  (MM214) ..... thoughtfully hosted by KangaZu

" On the Table " was the challenge.

This is one of four small side tables in the sitting room (I like my little tables).
As I looked at it I realized that each item on there has a memory.

The lamp is the first one we I bought when we moved into this house in February 1992 (Feb 28th - so actually 26 years on Wednesday this week).

The little bowl is the one that the hummie and daffodil top came from - the one I used for FF23_2018.

The elephants were a gift from my late Dad and his wife many, many Christmasses ago.

The little mushroom contains an old sixpence and was a "gift from Mum".

The clock was a wedding present, in 1988, from the Sgts Mess of 22 Signal Regiment in Lippstadt, Germany, where we lived when we got married

and .......

The ceramic coaster with the dragonfly was something I bought my Mum from a trip to the States a few years ago and it's come full circle and is now mine.

All in all, a table full of happy memories.

~ Anni ~

For the FF23_2018 Hearts and Honourable Mentions please take a look here if you haven't already seen them.

Backblipped on Tuesday 27 February 2018

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