
We have more snow today. It's still not really settling, which I don't understand as it's certainly cold enough. Cold enough to make icicles on the fountain in the arboretum too . See extra!

I've had a bit of a de-clutter and rejig of hobby stuff in the back room today. I was going to do more, but my boss rang and asked me to do some extra shifts this week. I'm not saying no, as I need the cash! 

Three nights a week is ideal for me - it gives me time to get non-work/non parent stuff done and have "enough" cash. Being down to two nights normally is a real stretch money-wise. But more than three nights and it starts to feel like I have no time for anything but the essentials! I guess once things go back to normal - probably next week - I will be glad of the extra nights off!

I called my Dad to see how he'd got on at the doctor's, and he said she wanted to admit him to hospital, but he told her it "wasn't an option" because of my Mum. He has some strong antibiotics and is under strict instructions to call them or go to A&E if he gets any worse.

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