Blending in ....

... this week's challenge set by Markus. I'm not sure this qualifies  but it was certainly tricky to see what was real and what wasn't, so I guess that's a blending of a sort!

All the weather warnings are making me nervous for we've had the most beautiful day here - bright, breezy and yes very cold. We went for a quick yomp around the headland, see extra, and came back with tingling cheeks. All the crisp weather has dried out the garden a bit and I was able to dig two beds and mow some grass - the first time I've done that since October. I think the Beast is in town for the next couple of days followed by Emma :( 
We shall risk arthouse  tonight - opaque difficult French existentialism on the cards in the shape of Michael Haneke's  Happy End : chips and a glass of wine might be needed first.

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