Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

The best laid plans.....

Not the day that was planned today...but that goes for many of us I think!
Ne'er mind....as my Dad always says "Ding dong carry on".
A quick visit from my Mealz..... with flowers from the funeral that was postponed....this bouquet was meant for Matty's Mum bless her... but Amelia will do them again in 2 weeks time... and hopefully her hub will be laid to rest with a full complement of family, friends and flowers.
A visit to Dad... he was positively perky...the most upbeat I've seen him for a while....hurray!!!! 
A visit to the gym where I watched 2 youtube videos on photography whilst on the cycle and cross trainer....
Stew on the bubble with stilton and horseradish dumplings....
And then a movie night.... with newly acquired Netflix and Amazon Prime....decisions decisions :) x

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