Just Hanging Out...

Dear Diary,

I was able to get out yesterday and do a few errands but I seem to be running on a low battery. The days are cold and grey and I have very little ambition. Emerson is quite content to just hang out with me on his favorite place, the hassock in front of my chair in the sitting room. It is normally like this, piled high with books and the latest copies of Smithsonian and National Geographic.

My favorite restaurant re-opened on Thursday after a two month renovation so I plan to treat myself to lunch there today. I still don't have my laptop back. Parts have been back ordered. I should get it around the 15th and then I will have days and days of printing to do to catch up on my photo journal.

The good news is my friends and I are getting together on Tuesday to make paste paper (decorative painted paper used for collage and book arts) in her beautiful studio. That should be a good boost to my spirits!

(Just saw that last year on this date I posted a photograph of Emerson too!)

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