
By cowgirl

Winter's End, Day 2

Our friends wanted to take a trip into Poole, so we did ... missed 3 bands having a rubbish coffee! Anyway, caught the last two morning acts, The Amorettes and The Gasoline Outlaws. Then back to the caravan for refuelling and rugby - The Calcutta Cup, an annual game between England and Scotland. England forgot to turn up for the first half, and we had to leave before the end, but I wasn't surprised to hear Scotland won it this year. As I support both teams, I'm not too unhappy with the result, but am disappointed with England's performance!

However, I was not disappointed with the performance of the band we abandoned the rugby for - Broken Witt Rebels, another upcoming young band. Another upcoming young band from the West Midlands in fact. Must be something in the water! They always put on a great performance and I hope they get the recognition they deserve. 

After them we saw Those Damn Crows, then had a tea break ( so rock'n'roll! ) before going back for an excellent set by The Temperance Movement. The lead singer doesn't hold back! I was exhausted just watching him, probably why I slept so well and didn't hear the synchronised snoring that the menfolk in our caravan put on! My friend heard them though, but said once she put her ear plugs in she was able to get to sleep!

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