At the Hospital

A few months ago when Mr K went to the opticians for a routine check up they saw something that needed further investigating and he got referred t the Eye Hospital at the JR. They weren't at all worried but.......
It can't have been that serious as today was the day of his appointment.
It was early - he had to be there for 9.35am. So we took the Little Misses to school early and then headed over to Oxford.
I dropped Mr K off at the door while I went to park. I caught up with him in the heaving waiting room and we waited.
And waited!!
In that nightmare limbo of not knowing if there was time to go and get a cup of tea or not!!
Eventually he got called through to another heaving waiting room where we waited again. 
A kind teenage boy offered me his seat as there was only one free and a very ungallant Mr K had taken it!!
He got called eventually to go and have drops put in his eyes, then he came back and we waited some more before he got called to go and get his eyes photographed.
Then we waited again before he got called through to the consultant.
All this without time to go and get a cup of tea so by now I was getting withdrawal symptoms!!
When he appeared again in moments I assumed we were going to wait again for the next bit but, no, he was good to go.
He has a hole in his eye apparently!!
Of course you do!! I said. 
When what I actually meant was Thank God because I don't know what I'd do if you had anything horrible wrong.
To celebrate the fact that he only has a hole in his eye we went to the M&S cafe for lunch.
Nothing says Woohoo!! like chicken, mushroom and rice soup!
Although I have to say it was the most delicious soup I've had for ages and we stocked up!
We also stocked up on iced spiced buns and Whitby buns.
Which are far more celebratory!!

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