In My World

By JoanneInOz

Blow wind, BLOW!

What a day it's been! The wind has been blowing a gale, Tess's water bucket blew off the veranda, towels were blown off the clothes line, the outdoor chairs have been knocked over and one landed in the bird food, and the birds can barely fly!!

And as for the temperature, it has plummeted! Twenty degrees Celsius! Can you believe that? (Okay, you can stop laughing now; it's been up in the high twenties for the last week!)

Thank goodness I had to stay indoors and sew. I felt like inviting the poor birds up onto the veranda though. When they came to the garden for food, they could hardly stand up straight in the wind!

Funny Miss Tibbs, being desperate to venture outside, got as far as the veranda....she mustered up the courage to run out onto the paved area, but shot straight back to the veranda with her tail all fluffed up like a fox!!

How exactly are you meant to photograph the wind? As I stood looking out of my kitchen window it looked as if the whole garden may well be blown into next year, yet when I took a photo, it didn't look nearly as wild.

The wind chimes flying helter-skelter may show how bad it is...yes, they are wind chimes, the funny looking higgelty-piggelty black shadow thing just to the left of centre at the top of the window. Could you pick what they were, I wonder?

You may just have to take my word for it; today's weather has been a shocker!

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