Number 38

I had an alarm malfunction this morning.  TT had turned the radio alarm off, as he was on strike again, and I had set my alarm for the wrong time.  Luckily TT realised I was in no rush to get up and kicked me out of bed.  I was too late for my normal bus, which meant I had to get a later one.  It was running late and it was packed when I got on it, so had to stand all the way to Edinburgh.

It felt like I had been off for ages when I got into the office, there were so many emails to wade through, and so many papers which require attention.

I had the optician again at lunchtime for my follow-up appointment.  They re-did the test they were concerned about, plus a couple of extra things, but they are happy all is well.

I didn’t stay late this evening, and in fact I was one of the last to leave, so I think everyone had the same idea as me.

BB was full of beans when I got in – he had even done some homework and cello practice.

I hadn’t much time to think about blips today, so took this on my way back from my optician appointment.

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