Moon over Jupiter

I had set the alarm for 6am. It went off and I opened my eyes.

And there was a brilliant moon, and below it a bright star, both set in a very deep blue sky. After a pause (tired) I got up and found my phone. By which time a cloud had drifted across the star, although it then reappeared - but I had to get ready for the working day. But an excellent way to start any day.

The star was not a star. It was the planet Jupiter, the fourth brightest object in the sky (after the sun, the moon and the planet Venus). Over the next three days the dawn moon will pass over the two other morning planets - first Mars (Thursday) and then Saturn.

Interesting fact - in July and August Jupiter will cease to be the fourth brightest object. It’s place will be taken by Mars, as the Earth passes between it and the Sun.

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